BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:How To Become A U.S. Citizen Through Naturalizatio n DESCRIPTION:\n \n About The Webinar\n \n \n Naturalization is the process by which American Citizenship is grant ed to non-U.S. Citizens. In this webinar\, we will outline the requirements for Naturalization\, a s tep-by-step process to apply for U.S. Citizenship\ , and how to avoid common mistakes in filing the F orm N-400.\n \n You’ll Learn\n \n \n Benefits o f Becoming A U.S. Citizen\n U.S. Citizenship Thro ugh Naturalization: Who Is Eligible\n Naturalizat ion Requirements: Exceptions & Accommodations\n H ow To Properly File The Form N-400\, Application F or Naturalization\n U.S. Citizenship Test: What I s It & How To Prepare For It?\n When Are You Exem pt From The U.S. Citizenship Test?\n Continuous R esidence Requirement: What To Keep In Mind When Tr avelling Abroad\n Good Moral Character: How To Es tablish It For Naturalization\n Tips To Ace The N aturalization Interview\n Naturalization Ceremony : The Final Step\n Derivative Citizenship: When Y ou Don’t Need The Naturalization Process\n Typi cal Case Scenarios\n PLUS: Q&A With The Attorney\ n \n \n  \n \n About The Attorney\n \n \n Ancy S. Varghese\n \n Ms. Ancy Varghese\, a U.S. Immigrat ion Attorney\, will provide an overview of obtaini ng permanent resident card after marrying a US Cit izen\, the 2 different paths taken with Form I-130 filing\, and the typical case scenarios.\n \n Wit h 14+ years in practicing immigration law\, Ms. Va rghese has experienced almost every family immigra tion issue. An aggressive practitioner\, she provi des expert immigration opinions and regularly advi ses clients ranging from couples who have just met each other to spouses who have been living abroad and needs to move to the U.S. quickly.\n \n  \n \n \n   CATEGORIES:Webinar CALSCALE:GREGORIAN TZID:America/New_York DTSTAMP;TZID=America/New_York:20241211T130000 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241211T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241211T140000 LOCATION:Webinar\n United States\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR