BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Cap 2025 Filings: Tips & Success Strategies DESCRIPTION:\n \n \n About The Webinar\n \n The H-1B Cap 2025  presents twin challenges to employers – filing H-1B registrations in time to get selected in the H-1B lottery\, and filing strong H-1B petitions to ensure successful approvals. This webinar will he lp you get a head start with H-1B Cap 2025 regist ration procedures\, filing preparation and help in crease the chances of lottery selection and approv als.\n \n You’ll Learn:\n \n \n \n H-1B Pre-Re gistration Rule: What Is It And How To Comply With It?\n \n \n H-1B Trends: What To Expect In FY 2025 H-1B Cap Filing?\n \n \n H-1B Cap Filing Timeline: How To Improve The Chances of H-1B Lotte ry Selection?\n \n \n DOL Wage Level 1: Does It Still Work?\n \n \n How To Prove Employer-Empl oyee Relationship?\n \n \n H-1B Cap Filing For Students On F-1 OPT\n \n \n How A Small Company Can Apply For H-1B Visas\n \n \n How To Avoid An H-1B RFE: Lessons From H-1B 2022 RFEs\n \n \n Strategic Drafting Of The Job Description\n \n \n How To Write A Strong H-1B Support Letter\n \n \n H-1B Visa Processing At U.S. Consulates\n \n \n Typical Case Scenarios\n \n \n PLUS: Q &A With The Attorney\n \n \n \n  \n \n About The Attorney\n \n \n Ancy S. Varghese\n \n Ms. Ancy V arghese\, a U.S. Immigration Attorney\, will provi de practical solutions\, suggestions\, and typical case scenarios for securing H-1B visas successful ly.\n \n With 14+ years in practicing immigration law\, Ms. Varghese has experienced almost every bu siness immigration issue. An aggressive practition er\, she provides expert immigration opinions and regularly advises clients ranging from multination al executives to treaty investors\, researchers & scientists\, software professionals\, NAFTA profes sionals\, as well as athletes\, artists\, entertai ners and fashion models.\n \n  \n CATEGORIES:Webinar CALSCALE:GREGORIAN TZID:America/New_York DTSTAMP;TZID=America/New_York:20250115T110000 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250115T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250115T120000 LOCATION:Webinar\n United States\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR